Last week ’s News,  Events and Funding opportunities on Environment and Security


9 – 10 June 2010, Brussels, Belgium. Science and Policy Forum on Future and Emerging Technologies Flagships.
Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Flagship Initiatives are proposed to be visionary, science- and goal-driven large-scale European ICT research initiatives cascading into various scientific and technological areas, from long-term to more technology-driven research. The scientific advance is at the center of the initiatives. Flagships should generate a wave of technological innovation and economic exploitation, ideally in a variety of areas and sectors, and would carry an important societal impact. The overall objective of this workshop is to establish an open, high-level, high-visibility event and to inform all stakeholders (from key scientists to research policy makers) on the preparation of the FET Flagship Initiatives.

10 – 11 June 2010, Valencia, Spain. MOBIP 2010 – Partnership and Investment for Mobile Services. This event will offer a meeting platform for SMEs, professional experts, intermediaries, corporate and venture capital investors to support knowledge-sharing on strategic information, market opportunities and new business trends for the Value-Added Services in the Mobile industry. The aim of the Partnership and Investment Forum is to foster the competitiveness of high-growth ventures in the mobile services sector and to strengthen their opportunities for market access both within Europe and in wider international markets.

16 – 18 June 2010, Sevilla, Spain Future eHealth Leaders – Summer Camp. This Summer Camp aims to develop an understanding of what eHealth can bring to healthcare systems, to enhance personal leadership skills and to expand professional networks. It focuses on young professionals in the field. The initiative is supported by innovative healthcare providers, eHealth organisations and companies.

16 – 18 June 2010, Florence, Italy Future Network & Mobile Summit 2010. The Future Network and Mobile Summit 2010 takes place in the Historical City of Florence on 16 – 18 June 2010. This is the nineteenth in a series of Annual Conferences supported by the European Commission, which regularly attracts over 600 delegates from industry and research to share experiences and research results, identify future trends, discuss business opportunities and identify opportunities for international research collaboration under the ICT Theme of Framework Programme 7 (FP7). It will thus contribute to showcasing European research in the field, and position it within the multiplicity of related initiatives supported in other regions of the world. In the context of convergence, the 19th Future Network and Mobile Summit will address the challenges of building the Future Internet, based on mobile, wireless and fixed broadband communications infrastructures.

Eco-innovation Projects in europe: The Call for proposals 2010 is open.
This initiative is addressed mainly to organisations that have developed an environmental product, service, management practice or process which has a proven track record, yet is not fully marketed due to residual risks. The Eco-innovation initiative is intended to overcome those barriers to further market penetration and turn these products and processes into Europe’s future eco-innovation successes! Applications from SMEs are particularly encouraged. Deadline 9 September 2010

EUROPEAN COMMISSION CALL FOR PROPOSALS — EACEA/12/10 ‘Youth in action’ programme Action 4.5 — Support to information activities for young people and those active in youth work and youth organisations (2010/C 144/12). The purpose of this call for proposals is to support projects, which promote information and communication actions with a European dimension that are aimed at young people and youth leaders. The projects proposed must enhance the dissemination of quality information and increase young people’s access to information and to various channels of communication at both national and European levels. The projects will aim in the long term to encourage the participation of young people in public life and to facilitate the achievement of their potential as active, responsible European citizens.Budget EUR 1 000 000 Deadline 10 September 2010

Open calls for proposals in the area of Critical Infrastructures Protection / CIIP priorities. The CIPS 2010 Calls for proposals have been published in the frame of the EU programme on “Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security Related Risks” for the period 2007-2013 which proposes accompanying financial measures for the implementation of EPCIP, the European Programme on Critical Infrastructure Protection, that is managed and coordinated by DG Freedom, Security and Justice. One of the priority lines of the calls aims to support the policy initiative and the action plan on Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP) – Deadline: 15 November 2010

Support for international cooperation on innovation policy. The aim of the call is to provide the European Commission with support in developing international cooperation in the field of innovation policy, in particular with EU neighbourhood countries, Balkan countries, existing and emerging innovation powers among the European Union’s main economic and trade partners. Deadline: 30 July 2010

Future innovation policy development actions. This call for tenders aims to prepare future innovation policy measures of various nature:

  • A study assessing options for the future structure and implementation methods of the innovation-related EU funding programmes. The study aims also at exploring the feasibility of a common application and information system for the harmonisation with Member States’ programmes and the possible combination of funding from different programmes.
  • A Secretariat for the European Design Innovation Initiative and its Leadership Board, to support the Commission in launching the initiative in 2011.
  • A study on future EU support to public procurement of innovative solutions which will assess the feasibility of different options and will provide recommendations on how an EU scheme should be conceived and implemented.

Deadline: 23 July 2010

Digital Agenda: European high-level panel consults on ICT solutions to help elderly to live more independently.
A consultation inviting citizens, businesses and researchers to share ideas on how best to use information and communications technologies (ICTs) to help older Europeans live more independently, and more generally to establish new ways to put ICTs at the service of the most vulnerable members of society, has been launched by a high-level panel established to advise the European Commission on the functioning of the Ambient Assisted Living joint programme (AAL JP).


06 June 2010 – 09 June 2010, Salzburg, Austria.
GI_Forum 2010. Topics and research outcomes are related to Geoinformatics methodology such as geodata acquisition, spatial analysis, visualisation, distributed and mobile services, dynamic modelling and simulation. Application fields comprise natural resources, health and environment, sustainable management of resources such as energy and water, transportation and infrastructure, participation and administration as well as security and emergency management.

EC has launched a call for tender addressing GMES pilot services in the atmosphere and maritime areas.
On 22 May 2010 the European Commission (DG Enterprise and Industry) launched a call for tender addressing GMES pilot services in the atmosphere and maritime areas. The main objective of this procurement is to build on the GMES services and to implement first operational elements in the areas of atmosphere and maritime ice service, as well as to connect in both thematic areas properly to the institutional and commercial players for enhancing their interest in the sustainability of the services introduced.Deadline 19 August 2010[tt_news]=240&tx_ttnews[backPid]=1&cHash=f8ce814350ba72ea33a2d8692d712683

Ministero Affari Esteri

Bando per la raccolta di progetti congiunti di ricerca scientifica e tecnologica nell’ambito del programma di collaborazione scientifica e tecnologica tra Italia e Stati Uniti d’America
per il periodo 2011 – 2013. AMBITI TEMATICI: Energia e Ambiente, Spazio e Fisica, Scienze della vita, ICT, Nanoscienze e materiali avanzati. Deadline 24/06/2010


21 June 2010  Genoa, Italy. The Ninth International Workshop on Assurance in Distributed Systems and Networks.
The objective of the event is to provide an effective forum for original scientific and engineering advances in assurance in distributed systems and networks.In distributed systems and networks, heterogeneous requirements are independently generated and the requirements themselves are frequently changing. Assurance in these distributed systems and networks is defined as the ability to guarantee functional and non-functional system properties, such as dependability, security, timeliness and adaptability to heterogeneous and changing requirements.

30 June and 1 July 2010. Brussels, Belgium  ‘Educating Europe – Educational Sciences Go FP7 and Beyond’. The aim of the conference is to highlight educational research topics within the ‘Socio-economic sciences and humanities’ (SSH) priority area of the specific FP7 programme ‘Cooperation’. The event will reference the ‘Indicative strategic research roadmap’ provided by the European Commission and bring together the respective international scientific community to foster cooperative research in the field of educational sciences.

CALL FOR PROPOSALS — EACEA/14/10. Call for proposals for co-operation in higher education and training between the EU and Australia and the EU and the Republic of Korea.
Call for Proposals 2010 for Joint Mobility Projects (JMP) and Joint Degree Projects (JDP) (2010/C 138/08). The European Commission has issued a call for proposals for co-operation in higher education and training between the European Union and Australia and the European Union and the Republic of Korea.The general objective is to enhance mutual understanding between people of the EU and the partner countries including broader knowledge of their languages, cultures and institutions and to enhance the quality of higher education and training by stimulating balanced partnerships between higher education and training institutions in the EU and partner countries. Budget EUR 2,45 million Deadline 6th September 2010

9 giugno 2010 Bologna. Project Management nella gestione di progetti co-finanziati dalla UE
. Il seminario è rivolto a tutte gli enti, pubblici o privati, ad aziende e a liberi professionisti che gestiscono progetti co-finanziati dall’Unione Europea quali ad esempio iniziative di ricerca e sviluppo, di trasferimento tecnologico, di cooperazione tecnica, di aiuto allo sviluppo, di promozione del territorio, di alta formazione e qualifica professionale, etc. nell’ambito delle proprie attività lavorative.

27 – 29 settembre 2010 Bruxelles, ‘ICT 2010: digitally driven’. ICT 2010 è un evento incentrato sulle tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione (TIC) e consisterà in una conferenza, un’esposizione e sessioni di messa in rete. I temi centrali dell’evento riguarderanno:

  • il potenziale delle soluzioni digitali di promuovere la crescita sostenibile in un’economia a basse emissioni di carbonio,
  • il ruolo costruttivo continuo delle TIC nella vita di tutti giorni dei cittadini,
  • l’importanza della partecipazione pubblica nel processo di innovazione.

1 luglio 2010 Reggio Calabria Giornata informativa sui Programmi “Potenziale di Ricerca per le Regioni di Convergenza e ultra-periferiche” e “Regioni della Conoscenze” del 7°PQ – Il Settimo Programma Quadro di Ricerca e Sviluppo Tecnologico riserva una specifica attenzione alla dimensione regionale. In particolare, all’interno del Programma “Capacità” sono collocati i programmi “Regioni della Conoscenza” e “Potenziale di Ricerca” rispettivamente a sostegno dei cluster territoriali di ricerca e della valorizzazione del pieno potenziale scientifico e tecnologico nelle regioni di convergenza.

14 e 28 giugno e 14 luglio 2010 Bologna. Innovazione on board 2: “Project management e gestione di team innovativi”. Il modulo intende fornire competenze specifiche, sia dal punto di vista qualitativo che quantitativo, in merito alla pratica del project management per consentire una gestione utile a far fronte alla realizzazione di soluzioni sempre più complesse in condizioni di forte competitività e di pressione sui tempi e sui costi. Sulla base di questo scenario il percorso intende creare le condizione per favorire l’apprendimento di metodi e strumenti utili alla pianificazione dei progetti aziendali e dei relativi team di lavoro.

Sviluppo Lazio

Distretti industriali, ecco le graduatorie
. Con la determinazione n. 576 del 10 marzo 2010, pubblicata sul Bollettino ufficiale della Regione Lazio n. 13 del 7 aprile 2010 (parte prima) è stata approvata la graduatoria del bando ‘Progetto Lazio’, che concede contributi a imprese, associazioni, consorzi e società consortili operanti nei Distretti industriali e nei Sistemi produttivi locali.


L’Europa preferisce i software proprietari agli open source?
La Commissione Europea ha pubblicato il documento finale sull’interoperbilità depurato da ogni riferimento all’open source a tutto vantaggio del software proprietario. Sono spariti i riferimenti agli standard aperti, all’innovazione, e addirittura agli standard in genere. Stiamo tornando al medioevo informatico? L’utile convivenza tra software proprietario e software libero sta per essere scalzata da un’azione di lobby fin troppo evidente.


Bando nuovo Segretario Gen. del Centro Italo-Tedesco di Villa Vigoni.
Gli interessati sono invitati ad inviare la loro candidatura entro il 2 luglio  2010.

Ministero Sviluppo Economico

Made in Italy, Urso: “5 milioni di euro per progetti Università – Imprese”. Il Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico sosterrà, con uno stanziamento pubblico di 2,5 milioni di euro, i progetti del mondo accademico dedicati all’internazionalizzazione.
L’obiettivo è favorire l’integrazione fra il sistema universitario e il mondo delle imprese, incentivando i rapporti delle Università con i sistemi produttivi locali e i distretti industriali, con gli Enti territoriali ed i parchi tecnologici italiani e stranieri in un’ottica di sistema sempre più integrato tra pubblico e privato.Uno stanziamento consistente, vista la crisi economica in atto, che può arrivare fino a 5 milioni di euro totali per il 2010, attraverso il cofinanziamento da una parte dell’Istituto Commercio Estero e dell’altra grazie ai progetti proposti dalle Università con la partecipazione di almeno un’impresa italiana. Il nuovo bando di finanziamento è stato presentato dal Vice Ministro dello Sviluppo Economico con delega al Commercio Estero, Adolfo Urso, dal Vice Presidente della Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane, Raimondo Pasquino e dal Direttore Generale dell’ICE, Massimo Mamberti.