Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020 Strengthening Europe’s place in the world.
The European Commission adopted budget proposals for its external instruments from 2014-2020. They will allow the Union to fulfil its responsibility on the global stage: fighting poverty and promoting democracy, peace, stability and prosperity. The range of instruments will support developing countries as well as countries in the European neighbourhood and those that are preparing accession into the EU. The Commission will seek to target its resources where they are most needed, where they will have the highest impact while ensuring more flexibility to be able to react swiftly to unforeseen events. This budget will also enable the EU to further reinforce its role on the global stage and promote its interests and values. The budget proposals will support the Commission’s new approach – the “Agenda for Change”- to focus EU aid in fewer sectors supporting democracy, human rights and good governance and creating inclusive and sustainable growth. The total amount proposed for these nine instruments is €96,249.4 million over the period 2014-2020

European Commission, EIB and EIF launch new scheme to help SMEs get loans for research and innovation. Today the European Commission and the European Investment Bank Group launch a new guarantee facility for innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to help them access finance from banks. This builds on the success of the Risk-Sharing Finance Facility (RSFF), launched in 2007, that has so far helped 75 companies benefit from over €7 billion in EIB loans to projects enhancing European growth and competitiveness. The new risk-sharing instrument for SMEs will be managed by the European Investment Fund (EIF). In addition, the EIB and the European Commission are to provide extra resources for research infrastructures.

EU Action Plan: helping SMEs access more financial resources. The EU Action Plan to improve access to finance for SMEs presents the various EU policies and measures to make access to finance easier for Europe’s 23 million SMEs. It covers actions to improve the venture capital market and facilitate access to financial resources. It contains also financial products to ease access to bank lending, for an amount of at least € 20 billion allocated to SMEs from the new Multiannual Financial Framework. A new survey published today shows that difficult access to finance is among the top concerns (15%) of SMEs. Almost two-thirds (63%) of the EU SMEs who applied for a bank loan during the last six months received the whole amount they asked for. However, 11% of the applications were rejected and 17% received less than they applied for. In addition 4% declined the loan offer from the bank because they found the conditions unacceptable. So about one third of the SMEs did not get the finance they had planned for.

European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) to create more innovation hubs. The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is to significantly step up its efforts to drive innovation and entrepreneurship in the EU with the creation of six new cross-border innovation hubs, known as Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs), in 2014-2020. The European Commission has allocated a budget of €2.8 billion in the next financial framework to enable the EIT to expand and consolidate the development of its existing KICs which focus on climate change, sustainable energy and ICT.

€ 2.5 billions to boost business competitiveness and SMEs 2014 – 2020. Promote access to finance and encouraging an entrepreneurial culture, including the creation of new enterprises are the core issues of the new financial support programme, tabled by the European Commission in Brussels today. With a budget of € 2.5 billions over the period 2014-2020, the Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs, COSME is a funding instrument, which is largely continuing the activities under the current Competitiveness and Innovation programme (CIP). The new programme targets in particular: 1) entrepreneurs, in particular SMEs, which will benefit from easier access to funding for their business, 2) citizens who want to become self-employed and face difficulties in setting up or developing their own business, 3) Member States’ authorities, which will be better assisted in their efforts to elaborate and implement effective policy reform.

Horizon 2020: Commission proposes €80 billion investment in research and innovation, to boost growth and jobs. The European Commission has today presented a package of measures to boost research, innovation and competitiveness in Europe. Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn has announced Horizon 2020, an €80 billion programme for investment in research and innovation. Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou has put forward a Strategic Innovation Agenda for the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), which will receive €2.8 billion of funding under Horizon 2020. In parallel, Vice-President Antonio Tajani has announced a complementary new programme to boost competitiveness and innovation in SMEs, with an additional budget of €2.5 billion. The funding programmes run from 2014 to 2020.

16 – 17 April 2012, Lyon, France Ninth International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility.
The internet has changed the way people search, access, consume and produce information. There is, however, still significant potential waiting to be exploited. Beneath the surface of the web there are a number of phenomena such as trends and patterns in information structure and in user behaviour that can shape the way users behave and interact. Where accessibility is concerned, web content plays a central role in an ecosystem where user agents, authoring tools, crowd-sourcing frameworks and testing tools determine how accessible the internet really is. As these components develop their mere activity and interplay produces large amounts of data.

15 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium eHealth & Equity in the Global Health Communities. The aim of this event is to discuss the potential of eHealth to help strengthen health systems and improve safety, quality and efficiency of care as recognised by the World Health Assembly in its resolution on eHealth in 2005. Mobile health, especially in developing countries, the global impact of eHealth, health IT and its promotion of health equity and patient-centered care will be amongst the themes covered. An expert panel discussion with the audience will follow in the afternoon with additional topics. Participation to the event is free but registration is mandatory.

Second call for volunteers to pilot methodologies quantifying the environmental footprint of ICT products, networks, services and organizations –
Among the important priorities of the Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE) is the establishment of a common methodological framework for the measurement of the energy intensity and carbon emissions arising from the production, transport and selling processes of ICT goods, networks and services, and one which can be widely adopted by the ICT industry. To support and facilitate the efforts of industry and the community more generally in reaching the above objective, the Commission has launched in June 2011 a 1st call for volunteers from across the ICT industry to carry out a number of pilot testing projects. Ten in total applications of either individual organisations or consortia (representing in total 22 industry organisations from across the whole industry sector and the whole world) were received and approved in the context of the above call. Deadline 29/02/2012


5 to 9 July 2012 in Vienna, Austria.Tenth International Conference on Web Engineering.
Web engineering is multidisciplinary. The field actively promotes systematic, disciplined and quantifiable approaches towards the successful development of web-based systems and applications. It focuses in particular on the methodologies, techniques and tools that are the foundation of web application development and which support their design, development, evolution, and evaluation.

16 to 17 April 2012 in Lyon, France. Ninth International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility. The internet has changed the way people search, access, consume and produce information. There is, however, still significant potential waiting to be exploited. Beneath the surface of the web there are a number of phenomena such as trends and patterns in information structure and in user behaviour that can shape the way users behave and interact. Where accessibility is concerned, web content plays a central role in an ecosystem where user agents, authoring tools, crowd-sourcing frameworks and testing tools determine how accessible the internet really is. As these components develop their mere activity and interplay produces large amounts of data. For instance, thousands of testing reports are being generated every day by automatic tools and auditors. Crowd-sourcing tools are facilitating a myriad of accessibility fixes and providing guidance to users.

25 to 27 June 2012 in Edinburgh, UK. 25th Annual Conference on Learning Theory. Learning theory tries to describe how people and animals learn. The field helps in the understanding of the process behind learning and provides a conceptual framework for interpreting it. There are three main categories or philosophical frameworks under which learning theories fall: behaviourism, cognitivism, and constructivism.

Call for community-building and exchange platform for the Eco-Innovation Action Plan. The European Commission has published a call for community-building and exchange platform for the Eco-Innovation Action Plan.
Eco-innovation is any innovation (product, process or organisational innovation) that reduces the use of natural resources and decreases the release of harmful substances across the whole lifecycle while contributing to the economic, environmental and social pillars of sustainability.


Regione Sardegna – trenino verde .
Assessorato dei trasporti. Servizio per la realizzazione del piano integrato di interventi per l’acquisizione di informazione cartografica e visuale sulla rete delle ferrovie della Sardegna e promozione dei percorsi storici del “Trenino Verde”, mediante metodologie di rappresentazione virtuale, con opzione di estensione per servizi analoghi. Importo complessivo € 1.000.000 +  iva. Deadline 20 gennaio 2011.

Regione Sicilia – CTRN 1:2.000. Assessorato Territorio e Ambiente. Avviso preliminare. Progetto di aggiornamento e produzione tramite tecnica aerofotogrammetrica di supporti cartografici numerici a scala 1:2.000 dei centri urbani dell’isola e servizi evoluti di editing. Importo complessivo € 921.765.

UCIT srl – Servizio Controllo Impianti Termici. Fornitura di un isistema informativo per la realizzazione e gestione del catasto degli impianti termici. Importo complessivo € 74.400 + iva. Deadline 9 dicembre 2011


Riapre l’art. 14 del DM 593/00.
Dal 21 dicembre 2011, alle ore 10.00, come da D.M. 918 del 14 dicembre 2010, pubblicato sulla G.U. n.296 del 20 dicembre 2010, si aprirà il bando per l’ottenimento delle “agevolazioni per assunzione di qualificato personale di ricerca, per specifiche commesse esterne di ricerca e per contratti di ricerca, per borse di studio, per corsi di dottorato di ricerca”.


CIP successor for 2014-2020 – COSME Programme.
With a budget of € 2.5 billions over the period 2014-2020, the Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs, COSME is a funding instrument, which is largely continuing the activities under the current Competitiveness and Innovation programme (CIP). The new programme targets in particular: 1) entrepreneurs, in particular SMEs, which will benefit from easier access to funding for their business, 2) citizens who want to become self-employed and face difficulties in setting up or developing their own business, 3) Member States’ authorities, which will be better assisted in their efforts to elaborate and implement effective policy reform. Compared to the current CIP program the COSMO programme does not focus specifically on the area of information and communication technologies and eco-innovation.

Call for creating a platform for the Eco-Innovation Action Plan. The EC Directorate General for Environment has published a call for community-building and exchange platform for the Eco-Innovation Action Plan. The objective of this call for tender is to build a strong community and to create an efficient information and exchange platform for Member States’ representatives and key stakeholders, and to support its work with useful communication tools. Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate is 20.1.2012.

EC Work Programme 2012. The European Commission published on 15 November 2011 its Work Programme 2012. It is generally targeted on growth measures. In the field of research, the following activities are planned: proposal for the ERA Framework, Communication on state of Innovation Union 2012, Communication on R&I international cooperation, proposal for a coordinated framework for Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) and draft Cloud Computing Strategy.

Call 2011 for joint mobility projects and joint degree projects.
The EC Directorate General for Education and Culture has published a call for joint mobility projects and joint degree projects between the EU and Australia, and the EU and Korea. The general objective of the call is to enhance mutual understanding and to enhance the quality of higher education and training by stimulating balanced partnerships between relevant higher education and training institutions. Deadline for sending proposals is 30 March 2012.


Ridurre gli oneri normativi per le piccole imprese.
La Commissione presenta oggi una nuova impostazione volta a garantire una migliore risposta dell’Unione europea alle esigenze delle piccole imprese. D’ora in poi, la Commissione europea cercherà, ogniqualvolta possibile, di esentare le microimprese dagli obblighi imposti dalla legislazione dell’UE o di introdurre regimi speciali per ridurre al minimo indispensabile gli oneri normativi che gravano su di esse. Dal gennaio 2012 la Commissione si adopererà per:

  • intensificare la ricerca , nella legislazione europea vigente e futura, di esenzioni o di riduzioni degli oneri per le microimprese;
  • rafforzare i processi di consultazione delle microimprese e di altre PMI ai fini del riesame della normativa vigente dell’UE e dell’elaborazione di nuove norme europee;
  • definire quadri di valutazione a nnuali per determinare i vantaggi effettivi per le imprese e garantire costante attenzione alle loro esigenze e ai loro interessi.

Posto vacante di direttore esecutivo (grado AD 14) di un’agenzia europea per la gestione operativa dei sistemi IT su larga scala nello spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia COM/2011/10318.
Su proposta della Commissione europea, il Parlamento europeo e il Consiglio hanno adottato, il 25 ottobre 2011, un regolamento che istituisce un’agenzia europea per la gestione operativa dei sistemi IT su larga scala nello spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia. Il regolamento è stato pubblicato nella Gazzetta ufficiale dell’Unione europea il 1° novembre 2011 ed è entrato in vigore il ventesimo giorno successivo alla pubblicazione. Deadline 22-12-2011

SeedLab, il nuovo business accelerator, cerca 20 nuove idee di impresa. Partono le iscrizioni a SeedLab, il nuovo “business accelerator” dedicato alle idee di business in cerca di sviluppo imprenditoriale. Si cercano 20 proposte ad alto contenuto innovativo per tecnologia o modello di business, e 10 di queste verranno sponsorizzate grazie a borse di studio offerte da venture capitalist. Nella migliore tradizione degli acceleratori internazionali (Y-combinator, Tech-crunch, ecc.), SeedLab offre alle startup un programma che riunisce in sé l’esperienza di un incubatore con quella dei programmi intensivi di imprenditorialità, sviluppo d’impresa e creazione di network, accesso a finanziatori e mentor di alto livello.


2,5 miliardi di euro per incentivare la competitività delle imprese e le PMI nel periodo 2014 – 2020.
Promuovere l’accesso ai finanziamenti ed incoraggiare una cultura imprenditoriale, inclusa la creazione di nuove imprese, sono i temi centrali del nuovo programma di sostegno finanziario presentato oggi a Bruxelles dalla Commissione europea. Con un bilancio di 2,5 miliardi di euro per il periodo 2014-2020, il programma per la competitività delle imprese e le PMI (COSME) è uno strumento di finanziamento che continua in larga misura le attività inserite nell’attuale programma quadro per la competitività e l’innovazione (CIP). In particolare il nuovo programma si rivolge a: 1) imprenditori, soprattutto PMI, che beneficeranno di un accesso agevolato ai finanziamenti per le proprie imprese, 2) cittadini che desiderano mettersi in proprio e devono far fronte alle difficoltà legate alla creazione o allo sviluppo della propria impresa, 3) autorità degli Stati membri che riceveranno una migliore assistenza nella loro attività di elaborazione e attuazione di riforme politiche efficaci.

Ricerca e innovazione, pronto il piano Ue da ottanta miliardi. Più fondi per la ricerca applicata, l’innovazione e l’accesso al credito delle Pmi europee. Sono questi i piatti forti del pacchetto di misure per il periodo 2014-2020 che la Commissione Ue ha presentato il 30 novembre. Il nuovo quadro strategico sulla ricerca illustrato dal Commissario Máire Geoghegan-Quinn si chiama Horizon 2020 e porta una dote di 80 miliardi di euro, 26 in più rispetto al 2007-2013. Di questi, secondo quanto si apprende, ben due terzi sono destinati alla ricerca applicata e all’innovazione, mentre un terzo riguarderà la ricerca accademica. Un «triangolo della conoscenza» per portare il sapere dalle aule all’economia reale.

Smart city, un business da 39 miliardi di dollari nel 2016. Sempre più città stanno rivolgendo la propria attenzione al paradigma delle smart city, pianificando e implementando nuove soluzioni tecnologiche per migliorare i servizi offerti. Con il termine smart city, ovvero “città intelligente”, si fa infatti riferimento a un ambiente urbano nel quale sia possibile garantire uno sviluppo economico sostenibile grazie al supporto di tecnologie avanzate con le quali si realizzano infrastrutture di comunicazione, servizi e applicazioni all’avanguardia allo scopo di migliorare i servizi offerti ai cittadini e alle imprese.