
27 – 29 October Warsaw, Poland. eChallenges e-2010 Conference – Call for papers. This year it will focus on applied ICT research topics addressing major societal and economic challenges. The Call for Papers for eChallenges e-2010 is opened. .

1 – 5 March 2010, Europe. European e-Skills week.European e-Skills Week highlights the growing demand for skilled ICT users and professionals to drive a competitive and innovative Europe. This campaign seeks to inform students, young professionals and SMEs about the vast range of opportunities that ICT-related jobs present. The event is expected to involve 300,000 participants in more than 100 activities.

13 – 16 April 2010, ValenciaThe European RTD Framework Programmes: From Economic Recovery to Sustainability. The conference is a high-level public event featuring a series of new public-private partnerships, notably Factories of the Future, Energy-efficient Buildings and the European Green Cars initiative. This conference will be a platform for the European Commission to launch a 4th public-private partnership on FUTURE INTERNET

24 February 2010, Spain, Madrid. e-Skills week: presentation.The e-Skills Week Presentation Campaign in Spain will be the official opening of the Spanish e-Skills Week. It will gather leading figures from Spanish and European Institutions, governments, business and academic community to discuss the importance of e-Skills for the future.

12 – 14 May 2010, São Paulo, Brazil. Ethos International Conference /Sustainable Technologies Exhibition.The Sustainable Technologies Exhibition has the objective of gathering and providing information and knowledge on the available sustainable technologies, in order to encourage their development, production and use by individuals as well as public and private organizations. “Sustainable technologies” include economically feasible methodologies, techniques, systems, equipment or processes that can be produced and applied to minimize negative and promote positive impacts on the environment, on people’s quality of life and on a socio-environmentally sustainable development.

12 March 2010, Nice, France.Future Internet PPP – Open constituency building event. The European Commission underlined the importance of building a Future Internet Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) and committed to kick-start this initiative already in 2010 by allocating a total of 300 million euros under FP7 ICT Theme until 2013. This open event will raise awareness among all interested stakeholders, about the concepts, focus, structure and implementation plans of the Public-Private-Partnership.

ICT 2010: Call for proposals to exhibit cutting edge research and innovation projects.The European Commission today published the Call for Proposals for exhibits at ICT2010 on 27-29 September 2010. The Commission is looking for ideas in the area of upstream ICT innovation as well as close-to-market projects. We invite any organisation involved in European research and development as well as deployment projects and associated support activities to submit an idea for an exhibit. The call is open to all sorts of actors in ICT research: universities, research institutes, non-profit organisations, public authorities and commercial companies including small and medium sized enterprises. Deadline 30 March 2010.

Call for proposals under the multi-annual work programme 2010 for grants in the field of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) for the period 2007-2013 (Commission Decision C(2010) 607) (2010/C 38/04) Budget €20 million Deadline 30 April 2010

MEDIA 2007 — DEVELOPMENT, DISTRIBUTION, PROMOTION AND TRAINING. Call for proposals — EACEA/03/10 Support for the translational distribution of European films — The ‘automatic’ scheme 2010 (2010/C 38/05) Budget EUR 18 150 000  Deadline 30 April 2010

Call for proposals under the annual work programme for grants in the field of the Trans-European Energy Network (TEN-E) for 2010 (Commission Decision C(2010) 48) (2010/C 41/05) Budget EUR 20 760 000 Deadline 30 April 2010

Financial Situation of the Guarantee Funds as at 30 January 2010

Galileo, a big opportunity for the EU’s economy.Galileo, the EU’s strategic global navigation satellite system (GNSS), is set to be operational in 2014. This is good news for European enterprises, as Galileo’s advanced technological features will make it a valuable tool for nearly all economic sectors. It is also good news for European citizens who will enjoy more accurate positioning technologies and greater safety in the air, on land and at sea.

New European effort to promote personal tools for health and wellness.The EC is funding a Support Action to promote interoperability among personal health systems and to other eHealth systems. The SmartPersonalHealth project started on 1st of January 2010 and will run for one year. Key awareness raising activities of SmartPersonalHealth will include three thematically focused regional stakeholder workshops and one central pan-European PHS Interoperability Conference.


Avviso pubblico rivolto alle imprese di nuova costituzione e a quelle giovanili e femminili (GURS n. 31 del 31.12.2009). I progetti devono prevedere un programma di investimenti che comporti spese non inferiori a 50.000 euro ed il valore massimo dell’agevolazione concedibile è pari a 1.500.000 euro. Le imprese ammissibili, micro, piccole o medie devono appartenere ad una delle seguenti categorie:

  • imprese nuove: imprese costituite da non oltre 5 anni, e non operanti negli ultimi 3.
  • Imprese giovanili: imprese individuali, società di persone, società di capitali e società cooperative il cui titolare o la cui maggioranza, sia numerica che di quote di capitale, sia formata da giovani che non abbiano ancora compiuto 36 anni ed in cui l’organo amministrativo presenti la stessa maggioranza.
  • Imprese femminili: imprese individuali, società di persone, società di capitali e società cooperative il cui titolare o la cui maggioranza, sia numerica che di quote di capitale, sia formata da donne ed in cui l’organo amministrativo presenti la stessa maggioranza.

Budget 53 milioni di euro. Data di apertura Bando 14.02.2010 Deadline 03/03/2010


ESRI Announces Relationship with Amazon Web Services. ArcGIS Cloud Computing Promises Leading-Edge IT Technology and Benefits to Users. As part of its commitment to support cloud computing, ESRI is collaborating with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to join the growing community of AWS Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) building services and solutions in the cloud computing environment.


East of England expertise is playing a vital role in the rescue operation in Haiti. Four members of the Great Missenden, Bucks-based MapAction team were fast-tracked to Haiti on an aid aircraft chartered by the UK Government at the request of the UN in response to the devastating earthquake that struck the country. Using the power of its Geographical Information Systems, MapAction provided a dedicated, easy to understand real time mapping service to all other humanitarian aid missions in the disaster zone.MapAction’s service was supported by Aylesbury and Cambridge-based ESRI (UK). The maps were made on laptops using ESRI’s ArcGIS Desktop software.


16 June 2010 Paris, France.Workshop on ‘Model-based testing in practice’. The objective of the event is to bring together industry and academia by providing a platform for interchange, discussion and collaboration. Research presentations are expected to present promising ideas and possible solutions in the field of model-based testing that have the potential to be utilised in industrial testing scenarios.

2 – 4 June 2010 Ischia Italy.Conference on fun with algorithms, Ischia Island, Italy. FUN 2010 is dedicated to the use, design and analysis of algorithms and data structures, focusing on results that provide amusing and witty, but nonetheless original and scientifically profound, contributions to the area.

17 – 18 March 2010 San Gwann Malta. Seventh Framework Programme training courses.The course on the first day is entitled ‘Preparing and submitting successful FP7 proposals: an introduction’. It is designed to help participants in identifying funding opportunities in FP7 and to equip them with the essential information needed to prepare a successful application. Participants will learn about the main functionalities of the CORDIS website, and be provided with useful hints and tips on proposal writing (including financial aspects). Evaluation criteria and evaluation process will also be explained. The course will cover four FP7 themes – ‘Cooperation’, ‘Capacities’, ‘People’ and ‘Ideas’.

3 March 2010 Malta. Conference on ‘ICT-enabled sustainability in ‘smart’ cities’, Malta The aim of this event is to provide information on specific funding opportunities existing under the 2010 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Policy Support Programme’s ‘ICT for a Low Carbon Economy and Smart Mobility’ and ‘Open Innovation for Future Internet-enabled Services in ‘Smart’ Cities’ themes. The ICT Policy Support Programme in the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) is one of the main financial instruments of the i2010 (‘An European information society for growth and employment’) policy framework.

23 – 25 March 2010. EU Sustainable Energy Week 2010, Brussels, Belgium. The event will include a series of energy policy discussions, thematic workshops on energy efficiency and renewable energy, and seminars on EU funding and networking. The conference runs parallel to an overall five-day EU Sustainable Energy Week programme. The Energy Week will feature other events that will take place in different locations around Brussels. Organisers include the Flemish government, Forum Europe and Eurocities. The European Commission will officially open the programme.

Call for letters of interest for collaborative research with the HAPTIMAP project. The HAPTIMAP (‘Haptic, audio and visual interfaces for maps and location-based services’) project has issued a call for a new commercial partner. The project receives financial support from the European Commission in the Seventh Framework Programme, under the Cooperation Programme ICT – Information and Communication Technologies.


Bando per la ricerca finalizzata e giovani ricercatori. mmontano a 101 milioni di euro le risorse economiche relative al Bando per la Ricerca Finalizzata per l’anno 2009. Si tratta della ricerca, promossa dal Ministero della Salute di concerto con il Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca e d’intesa con la Conferenza Stato – Regioni, che viene finanziata ai sensi della vigente normativa (art.12 e 12/bis del D.Lgs.502/92 come modificato ed integrato dal D.Lgs.229/99), con risorse provenienti dal Fondo sanitario nazionale Deadline 26-03-2010.

Bando ISPESL – Affidamento ad Enti esterni dello svolgimento delle attività di ricerca.L’ISPESL – Istituto superiore per la prevenzione e la sicurezza del lavoro, nell’ambito del piano triennale di attività 2009-2011 ha indetto un bando per l’affidamento, a enti pubblici e privati, dello svolgimento dell’attività di ricerca corrente del dipartimento installazioni di produzione e insediamenti antropici e del dipartimento medicina del lavoro.Deadline 22-03-2010

25 e 26 marzo 2010 Noordwijk (Paesi Bassi). Workshop sulla regolazione dei sistemi solari. L’obiettivo del workshop è di offrire ai partecipanti un forum di discussione sulla metodologia per scegliere il sistema di produzione e di regolazione dell’energia più adatto, per ottimizzare l’architettura del sottosistema energetico preposto a un determinato scopo. In generale, l’evento mira a presentare una strategia complessiva e comune per la selezione dei sistemi citati, tenendo presenti i vincoli, le necessità e le capacità dell’Agenzia spaziale europea, degli appaltatori principali e dei produttori delle attrezzature.

20-23 maggio 2010 Lecce.Festival dell’Energia 2010: spazio all’innovazione – Dal 20 al 23 maggio 2010 si terrà a Lecce la terza edizione del “Festival dell’Energia”: quattro giorni di dibattiti, incontri, presentazioni di libri, conferenze e momenti ludici per coinvolgere esperti, cittadini, amministratori locali e nazionali, imprese, associazioni di categoria ed esponenti del panorama culturale italiano e internazionale sui temi dell’energia.

Sviluppo Lazio

POR FESR, modifiche al bando ‘Innovazione’. Con la determinazione n. 329 del 17 febbraio 2010 la Regione Lazio ha parzialmente modificato l’Avviso pubblico per la presentazione di richieste di contributo relative alla Filiera produttiva regionale dell’Innovazione.Il provvedimento, che sarà pubblicato il 27 febbraio sul Bollettino ufficiale della Regione Lazio, recepisce l’atto d’indirizzo relativo all’esclusione dai benefici del POR FESR delle imprese operanti nel settore degli armamenti. In particolare, i progetti presentati devono essere “inequivocabilmente e in via esclusiva rivolti all’ambito applicativo civile e comunque non riguardare i materiali di armamento”.


Un web-gis della cartografia storica di Roma. L’Archivio di Stato di Roma, l’Università di Roma Tre, la Fondazione Cariplo, la Sovrintendenza ai Beni Culturali del Comune di Roma, con un progetto comune hanno realizzato un web-gis che permette la consultazione del Catasto Gregoriano (1818-24), di altre fonti di cartografia storica di Roma come la pianta della città del Nolli (1748), di circa 3.000 schede di dettaglio e di moltissimi documenti iconografici.


17 – 20 ottobre 2010 Buenos Aires. Si svolgerà nell’ambito della Settimana Mondiale degli Ingegneri, il Congresso ed Esposizione INGEGNERIA 2010 – ARGENTINA: Tecnologia, Innovazione e Produzione per lo sviluppo sostenibile. I principali obiettivi dell’evento rivolto agli ingegneri e imprenditori di tutto il mondo sono quelli di aggiornare e discutere i progressi della tecnologia e l’ingegneria, promuovere l’operatività dell’ingegneria e dei settori produttivi dell’edilizia, dell’industria e di servizi.

Ministero Sviluppo Economico

Energia: assegnati 22 milioni di Euro per promuovere la Ricerca e l’Innovazione per le Fonti Rinnovabili. “Si tratta di un ulteriore importante passo avanti, in linea con l’impegno di sostenere la ricerca sulle fonti rinnovabile e sull’efficienza delle reti elettriche, parte integrante del programma energetico del Governo Berlusconi – ha detto Claudio Scajola, Ministro dello Sviluppo Economico, ricordando che – esso ha come obiettivo quello di assicurare sicurezza energetica, ridurre il costo dell’energia per i cittadini e le imprese, sviluppare fonti energetiche pulite.