
Candidature per Esperti Nazionali Distaccati (END) – scadenze: 10 marzo 2009 e 6 aprile 2009. http://www.miur.it/UserFiles/3009.pdf


Una guida per le Pmi europee.Per le piccole e medie imprese dell’Unione europea è a disposizione sul web una guida pubblicata dalla Commissione europea con le informazioni sugli aiuti di Stato, in particolare per l’accesso ai finanziamenti nel quadro dell’attuale crisi economica e finanziaria. Le Pmi possono ricevere tutte le categorie di aiuti consentite ai sensi delle norme Ue sugli aiuti di Stato; inoltre, per le categorie di aiuti a disposizione anche delle grandi imprese, le Pmi beneficiano dei più alti livelli di intensità d’aiuto. http://www.filas.it/downloads/documentazione/sme_handbook.pdf


21 aprile 2009 Napoli.Ricerca e Innovazione: le opportunità offerte dal 7° Programma Quadro agli Enti ed alle Imprese della Campania. http://www.ipi.it/allegati/INCONTRO_NAPOLI2104.pdf

12 Marzo 2009 Milano.Il sistema industriale italiano di fronte alla sfida delle energie rinnovabili: il futuro del made in Italy nel business dell’energia solare. http://www.energystrategy.it/template.php?pag=72237


18-19 March 2009 Székesfehérvár (Hungary)The GIS4EU project aims at providing base cartography datasets (administration units, hydrography, transportation networks and elevation themes) for Europe and to ensure its cross scale, cross language and cross border interoperability and accessibility according to standards and to requirements of INSPIRE Directive (2007/2/EC).The workshop will be the occasion for GIS researchers and technicians working on the same field the opportunity to meet and exchange experiences about international data models. http://www.inspire.gis4eu.eu/default.asp


28-30 Aprile 2009 Samara Russia fiera campionaria internazionale SICILIADOMEXPO’. SICILIADOMEXPO’ rappresenta un’opportunita’ per le aziende siciliane che guardano con interesse al mercato russo e dell’est europeo in genere. A seguito delle riunioni di preparazione all’evento avute con i rappresentanti commerciali della Federazione Russa in Italia, si e’ appurato che le aziende che potrebbero essere maggiormente interessate a partecipare all’evento fieristico sono quelle operanti nei seguenti settori: Agroalimentare e relativo indotto, edilizia e materiali da costruzione, ambiente e imballaggio, artigianato, abbigliamento, turismo, cantieristica navale, costruzioni navali di alto bordo, ICT applicata alla sanita’ e alla telemedicina, servizi bancari, servizi e logistica. http://www.siciliadomexpo.it/index.php?content=evento


Enabling e-invoices to pay their dues.To maximise the benefits of electronic invoices for businesses and governments, a European Commission-appointed expert group is putting together an e-invoicing framework. http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/e_i/news/article_8783_en.htm

ePractice portal, a place for all ePractitioners. ePractice.eu is a web portal created by the European Commission to build up and support the community of professionals working in eHealth, eGovernment and eInclusion. It includes a community specific cally for eParticipation and eDemocracy practitioners, allowing htem to link up, share their experiences, discuss best practice and keep abreast of new developments. A wide range of professionals use the online forum to ask questions, share knowledge and offer one another support in their eParticipation projects, which could encompass anything from theoretical research to technology deployments. http://www.epractice.eu/index.php?page=home

Study on the Invoicing Directive.This final report has been drawn in the framework of the study on the Invoicing Directive (2001/115/EC) now incorporated into the VAT Directive (2006/112/EC), as applicable on 1 January 2008. The study aims to look at the four principal areas of invoicing – the requirement to issue an invoice, the content of an invoice, electronic invoicing and the storage of invoices – with a view to mapping the existing legislation in all Member States, analysing burdens on business and Member States’ control needs, and providing recommendations for a more harmonised and modern set of VAT invoicing rules. http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/taxation/vat/traders/invoicing_rules/index_en.htm#existingleg

And the Oscar goes to…: Unprecedented success for EU- supported film “Slumdog Millionaire”.8 Oscars were awarded to “Slumdog Millionaire” at last night’s 81st Academy Award ceremony in Hollywood. This UK film was co-funded under the EU’s film support programme MEDIA. These include the most prestigious prizes: Best Film and Best Director (Danny Boyle). http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=MEMO/09/81&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en

Call for action on building an eHealth area for European citizens – eHealth2009 conference declaration.At the eHealth2009 conference, the Member States and the European Commission endeavour to facilitate the building of a European eHealth area which will enable access to healthcare for all citizens. For this purpose, continued efforts are needed, particularly in the areas of interoperability, telemedicine services deployment andEurope-wide cooperation and exchange of best practices. Member States are encouraged to adapt their national eHealth strategies so that the individuals (patients and healthcare professionals), society and economy are all the beneficiaries of eHealth’s positive effects. http://www.ehealth2009.cz/Default.aspx

Reports – First FP7 Monitoring Report (Monitoring Report 2007).This first FP7 Monitoring Report covers the year 2007 and is the first one based on a completely new approach: While in FP6 and previous Framework Programmes monitoring had been implemented through annual panels of independent experts which selected specific areas of FP implementation and performance to analyse and report on, the FP7 monitoring system is designed as an internal management tool, based on a coherent system of indicators. http://ec.europa.eu/research/index.cfm?lg=en&pg=reports

Reports – FP6 Ex-post Evaluation – Report of the Expert Group.In 2008, the Commission appointed an Expert Group to undertake an evidence-based, ex-post evaluation of FP6, the group meeting six times between July 2008 and January 2009. This report is the result of our work. In addition to analysing and drawing conclusions from the past, we make recommendations and formulate a vision for new dimensions of European Research and Technological Development (RTD) policy. http://ec.europa.eu/research/index.cfm?lg=en&pg=reports

The EU Parliament has voted on a resolution strongly supporting the Commission’s Communication on pre-commercial procurement.The EU Parliament has voted on a resolution strongly supporting the Commission’s Communication on pre-commercial procurement. Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) can enable public authorities to improve the quality and effectiveness of public services – such as in health care, public transport, energy, environment, security etc – whilst creating opportunities for European companies to take international leadership in new markets. Calls for proposals to encourage awareness raising, networking and experience sharing on pre-commercial procurement are currently open under FP7-ICT-WP2009 Call4 – objective 9.3

Action ENT/IMA/ Development of a database on the pricing of medicinal products in the EU. The call aims to create and maintain an electronic database of European medicinal products’ prices for the use of EU public administrations and, if appropriate, other relevant stakeholders. Budget 650,000 € Deadline: 15 May 2009 http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/newsroom/cf/itemshortdetail.cfm?item_id=2572

Call for applications 2009.Second Programme of Community action in the field of Health (2008-2013). This call for applications consists of the following parts:

  • a call for proposals for the award of a financial contribution to specific actions in the form of projects,
  • a call for proposals for the award of a financial contribution to specific actions in the form of conferences,
  • a call for proposals for the award of a financial contribution to the functioning of non governmental bodies and specialised networks (operating grants),
  • an invitation to Member States and participating countries for submission of joint actions.

Budget 48.2 million euro. Deadline 20 May 2009 http://ec.europa.eu/eahc/

10 March 2009, Vienna Austria. EU Finance Day for SMEs. EU Finance Day for SMEs is a series of conferences in the Member States that the European Commission is organising to inform about the EU financial instruments for SMEs together with the national financial intermediaries that implement these instruments locally. http://www.sme-finance-day.eu/index.php?id=29


24 April 2009 Vienna, Austria.Conference on privatisation and public services.The one-day conference will take a closer look at the outcomes of liberalisation and privatisation of public services and related processes. There will also be a specific focus on employment, working conditions, productivity, service quality and prices. The conference will examine evidence and conclusions from further research by European experts on the privatisation of network industries and health services. http://www.pique.at/conference/index.html

31 March 2009 Brussels, Belgium Presentation on the standardisation of online dispute resolution. Central to the workshop is an agreement which contains an analysis of ODR schemes in relation to technology, legal and business issues, as well as policy recommendations on the topic. During the meeting, speakers will present their views on the state of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and ODR. http://www.cen.eu/cenorm/businessdomains/businessdomains/isss/activity/ws_odr.asp

13.03.2009 Istambul Turkey. ERC Turkey ConferenceThe aim of this event is to bring together successful ERC (European Research Council) grant laureates and ERC panellists to share their insight with researchers from all over Europe. http://www.fp7.org.tr/home.do?ot=5&rt=10&sid=0&pid=0&cid=12618

07.05.2009 Prague, Czech Republic Research Connection 2009 conference, The event is intended for scientists, entrepreneurs and researchers looking to learn more about successful EU-funded research and funding opportunities and to meet reliable partners for new projects. http://ec.europa.eu/research/conferences/2009/rtd-2009/index_en.cfm

New EU project to improve waste management in Asia .A new EU-funded project unites European and Asian experts with the aim of solving Asia’s chronic waste problem. Dubbed ISSOWAMA (‘Integrated sustainable solid waste management in Asia’), the three-year project has been allocated just under EUR 1 million from the ‘Environment (including climate change)’ Theme of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). The project’s 22 partners include researchers, government representatives, waste disposal experts and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) from Europe and Asia. http://cordis.europa.eu/search/index.cfm?fuseaction=news.document&N_RCN=30501

Forecast is good for Dutch wind power.Wind power can be integrated so successfully into the Dutch energy grid that power stations will be able to cope with variations in demand at any time in the future, as long as proper use is made of up-to-date wind forecasts, a PhD student has discovered. http://cordis.europa.eu/search/index.cfm?fuseaction=news.document&N_RCN=30502


Aziende Industriali Municipali di Vicenza. Rilievo digitalizzato della rete fognaria nei comuni gestiti dall’AIM. Importo a base d’asta € 639.500 oltre IVA. Scadenza 17 marzo 2009.

Viabilità SpA. Servizio di fornitura e installazione mediante formula a noleggio di dispositivi di localizzazione satellitare dei mezzi aziendali. Scadenza 18 febbraio 2009.

Lombardia Informatica SpA. Appalto di servizi di sviluppo, manutenzione e assistenza informatica sui vari sistemi in gestione all’azienda compresi i Sistemi Informativi Territoriali. Avviso preliminare.

Comune di Arzano (NA).Fornitura del Sistema Informativo Territoriale della segnaletica stradale. Progettazione e attuazione del Piano Urbanistico del Traffico. Fornitura e posa in opera di segnaletica stradale. Importo € 75.000 iva compresa. Scadenza 20 marzo 2009.

ISTAT. Acquisizione software per Sistema Informativo Geografico. Importo stimato € 990.000. Avviso di informazione preliminare.

ISPRA. Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale. Affidamento del servizio di acquisizione da aereo dei dati della fascia costiera mediante tecnologia Lidar. Importo complessivo € 160.000. Scadenza 9 marzo 2009.


Pubblicato il “First FP7 Monitoring Report”: un primo monitoraggio sul primo anno di attività del VII Programma Quadro di RST dell’Unione europea. http://ec.europa.eu/research/reports/2009/pdf/first_fp7_monitoring_en.pdf#view=fit&pagemode=none

La Commissione s’interessa della prevenzione delle catastrofi e della riduzione dei rischi all’interno e al di fuori dell’UE. La Commissione europea ha adottato due comunicazioni sulle catastrofi: un approccio comunitario per ridurre l’impatto delle catastrofi d’origine naturale e umana all’interno dell’UE e una strategia per sostenere i paesi in via di sviluppo nella riduzione del rischio di catastrofi. Le comunicazioni, adottate sotto forma di pacchetto, rappresentano un primo tentativo di introdurre un approccio più strategico, in particolare alla luce dell’aumento dei rischi indotti dal cambiamento climatico. La proposta d’intervento a livello comunitario verte su settori in cui un approccio comune è più efficace rispetto a singole strategie nazionali: si tratta infatti di sviluppare conoscenze, mettere in contatto i soggetti interessati, creare collegamenti tra le politiche pertinenti e migliorare gli strumenti di prevenzione delle catastrofi di cui la Comunità già dispone. http://first.aster.it/news/show_news.php?ID=19272

Il CNR bandisce un assegno di ricerca sul tema “Elaborazione ed interpretazione di dati sismici a riflessione multicanale acquisiti nel Mar Ionio con l’applicazione di algoritmi di elaborazione convenzionali e non-convenzionali” http://www.bo.ismar.cnr.it/formazione-e-bandi/lavoro/adr-1-2009

RFID Italia Award: l’oscar italiano per i migliori progetti realizzati con le tecnologie RFID. Il Cedites – Centro Studi per la Divulgazione della Tecnologia e della Scienza, annuncia l’apertura ufficiale delle candidature all’Rfid Italia Award 2009, il premio nazionale destinato alle imprese e alle Pubbliche Amministrazioni che hanno saputo usare le tecnologie a radiofrequenza per migliorare e rendere più efficienti i propri processi. L’Rfid Italia Award 2009 è completamente gratuito e aperto alla candidatura delle aziende italiane private e pubbliche e alle associazioni che hanno realizzato progetti applicativi utilizzando sistemi Rfid all’interno della loro organizzazione e sul territorio italiano. è organizzato in quattro categorie (Progetti aziendali interni, Progetti di filiera, Progetti di rilevanza sociale e ambientale, Idee) e prevede anche una menzione speciale per il miglior progetto realizzato nella provincia di Varese e per quello più votato dal pubblico in sala. Deadline 15-04-2009 http://award.rfiditalia.com/

L’obiettivo del RegioStars Awards è identificare buone prassi nello sviluppo regionale e dare rilievo a progetti originali e innovativi che possano essere d’ispirazione e di interesse per altre regioni.Le categorie in concorso sono:CityStar themes 1. Innovative use of brownfield sites in an urban context.2. The integration of migrants or marginalised groups in urban areas. ICT Themes 3. ICT applications for e-inclusion  4. ICT applications by or for SMEs  5. Broadband coverage in less developed regions or rural areas. Information and Communication category 6. Websites offering quality information and showing the European added-value. Deadline 17 July 2009http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/cooperation/interregional/ecochange/regiostars_en.cfm?nmenu=4#intro

18 marzo 2009 Lussemburgo. EAHC – Health Programme: Information Day 2009. In quest’occasione si presenterà dettagliatamente il nuovo Work Programme (che deve ancora essere adottato dalla Commissione, presumibilmente entro la fine di febbraio) e che includerà workshop pratici su differenti aspetti dei bandi e sul processo di presentazione delle proposte. http://ec.europa.eu/eahc/health/infoday.html

23 marzo 2009 Milano “Private Equity: investire nello sviluppo delle imprese nei momenti di recessione” http://www.aifi.it/IT/Eventi/EventiAifi.htm