
The first yearly compilations of LIFE+ projects have now been published on the LIFE website. The two compilations contain useful information about all the projects receiving LIFE funding in the 2007 call for tender. This includes contact details for the project beneficiary, a summary of the project background and objectives, information about the project duration and budget, and a map of the project area.


10 -11 settembre 2009 Lecce Forum Italiano Ambiet Assisted living. Il Forum nasce dalla volontà di creare, per la prima volta in Italia, un Evento connesso a tali problematiche, in particolare al nuovo programma “Ambient Assisted Living” (AAL) e sottolinearne le finalità e l’importanza, ovvero utilizzare queste nuove tecnologie per permettere ad anziani e disabili di vivere comodamente nella propria casa, migliorando la loro autonomia, facilitando le attività quotidiane, garantendo buone condizioni di sicurezza, monitorando e curando le persone malate.

Concorso pubblico per esami a 20 posti per l’accesso al profilo professionale di funzionario amministrativo/giuridico, legale e contabile, area C posizione economica C1 del ruolo del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca

Concorso pubblico per esami a 10 posti per l’accesso al profilo professionale di assistente amministrativo, area B, posizione economica B 3 del ruolo del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca

Ministero Sviluppo Economico

Comunicazione della Commissione di concorso
30 unità di personale nel profilo professionale di Funzionario Amministrativo, III area F1

Comunicazione della Commissione di concorso
4 unità di personale nel profilo professionale di Assistente Amministrativo, II area F2

Comunicazione della Commissione di concorso
7 posti di Dirigente Amministrativo di II fascia

Comunicazione della Commissione di concorso
8 posti di Dirigente Economico di II fascia

Comunicazione della Commissione di concors
10 unità di personale nel profilo professionale di Funzionario Informatico, III area F1

Comunicazione della Commissione di concorso
11 unità di personale nel profilo professionale di Funzionario Economico, III area F1

Protezione Civile

Procedura di selezione di operatori economici per la progettazione e la realizzazione di edifici residenziali al di sopra di piastre sismicamente isolate.Deadline 3 giugno 2009


AIUTI DI STATO.La Commissione approva la misura italiana per il capitale di rischio diretta a rilanciare l’economia reale.La Commissione europea ha approvato, ai sensi delle norme del trattato CE in materia di aiuti di Stato, un pacchetto di misure temporanee, presentato dall’Italia, che adatta alcuni regimi esistenti relativi al capitale di rischio per agevolare le possibilità di accesso al finanziamento delle imprese nell’attuale crisi economica. La misura consentirà investimenti più flessibili in capitale di rischio fino al 2010, in linea con il quadro di riferimento temporaneo comunitario per le misure di aiuto di Stato a sostegno dell’accesso al finanziamento nell’attuale situazione di crisi finanziaria e economica.

Ricerca e innovazione

Distretti: DTC Lazio; Saccà, presto per bandi 8 MLN euro poi progetti per 43,8 MLN per temi di frontiera tecnologica. Lo ha annunciato all’ANSA la presidente della Finanziaria laziale di sviluppo (FILAS) Flaminia Saccà, che ha aggiunto: per il futuro ” è prevista l’attivazione di altri progetti dal valore di 43,8 milioni di euro destinati a temi di frontiera tecnologica”. I bandi, saranno pubblicati probabilmente ”fra metà maggio – primi di giugno – con scadenza per la consegna delle domande al 31 luglio”. Le risorse complessive, dovrebbero essere di circa otto milioni di euro, suddivise in bandi da circa un milione di euro l’uno. I bandi saranno destinati: alla realizzazione di piattaforme digitali e tecnologie innovative per la valorizzazione e fruizione del patrimonio culturale; alla progettazione e allestimento di porte di accesso tematiche (Virtual Heritage Centers); alla realizzazione del ”Museo impossibile”; alla valorizzazione dei depositi e magazzini di musei o collezioni attraverso l’utilizzo di nuove tecnologie per la tutela, la fruizione, il trasporto e la sicurezza.


Istat, Rapporto annuale, 17ma edizione.


Success stories in design management.Design management is a key driver of innovation and competitiveness and the EU-backed ADMIRE (better known as Design Management Europe) project is raising awareness of this important area and awarding organisations which use design management successfully. Significant commercial benefits can be gained with good practices in this area: an on-line tool helps businesses evaluate their own design-management performance, by providing practical feedback.

Federfidi Lombarda signs EUR 225 million Guarantee deal under CIP.he European Investment Fund and Federfidi Lombarda have signed a EUR 225 million agreement under the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme helping to provide access to finance for investments to SMEs in the Italian region of Lombardy.

Study into the cognitive aspects of friendly fire incidents.The study should contribute to the identification of factors that may lead to friendly fire incidents (FFI). Emphasis should be placed on cognitive processes; specifically ‘fire/no fire’ decision making. Metacognitive awareness of ‘procedure creep’ should be included, as should the impact of resilience engineering concepts on recovery capabilities of individuals and teams when FFIs occur. The study should be performed through analysis of information obtained from literature search, interviews and case studies. Budget 100 000 EUR.Deadline 29.6.2009;jsessionid=65DCBCF26463F3E37EB8C00E3BF41E69.instance_2?DataFlow=N_one_doc_access.dfl&Template=TED/N_one_result_detail_curr.htm&docnumber=143992-2009&docId=143992-2009&StatLang=EN

24 June 2009, Brussels, Belgium. Future and Emerging Technologies Proactive organises Information Day.The aim is to provide up-to-date and first-hand information on the 5 FET initiatives in FP7-Call 5. Contractual, legal and administrative modalities will be also covered. A Q&A session will ensure that participants don’t leave the event with unanswered questions. During the event, the formation of consortia for proposals to the Call will be facilitated and an open exchange “Proposers Forum” will foster synergies and collaborations amongst proposers.

9 June 2009, Brussels, Belgium. Internet of Services, Software and Virtualisation – Information Day.The objective of this meeting will be to inform the audience about the scope of Objective 1.2 (Internet of Services, Software and Virtualisation) of the upcoming call 5 under the ICT Research Programme. The procedure for preparing a proposal will be explained and networking among the participants will be facilitated.

1 – 2 July 2009, Lulea, Sweden. Fireweek 2009: FIRE and Living Labs – Future Internet by the people. This event is held in association with the Swedish EU presidency. Two strong communities will meet and exchange experiences: the FIRE community focusing on Future Internet Research and Experimentation and the Living Labs community with the mission to engage people, users as co-creators in the development of new successful products and services.

23 June 2009, Brussels, Belgium.Workshop on “Towards Zero-Power ICT”.In preparation of the upcoming call 5 under the ICT Research Programme, the objective of this interactive workshop is to stimulate the scientific community to broaden and deepen its understanding of the objective “Towards Zero-Power ICT” (2zeroP), by elaborating the specific research challenges and their possible solutions.


EU projects fuel e-learning initiative.Interactive digital TV (iDTV) learning is growing and an EU-funded team of researchers is supporting this trend by developing tools and methodologies that complement e-learning. The ELU (‘Enhanced learning unlimited’) project, with financial support totalling EUR 2.96 million, will give educators the edge they need to connect with students beyond the classroom.Experts say that while conventional television continues to play a substantial role in the education sector, it is commonly used as a passive medium. The majority of viewers receive the information as observers, not as participants.

Study on impact of Future and Emerging Technologies Research initiatives.The study should create a well-founded methodology for impact assessment, that can be applied to research initiatives as set out in one of the work programmes and embodied by the projects funded in such areas. Such an assessment should establish, in particular, to what extent the funding given out by FET has resulted in technological and scientific breakthroughs, changes in the research landscape and environment, (re)structuring of scientific communities (e.g., new interdisciplinary links), and changes in national or international research programmes. Based on the proposed methodology, the following two research initiatives should be assessed as pilot studies, so as to function as case studies for the methodology: Bio-inspired ICT and Quantum Information Processing & Communication. Deadline: 1 July 2009

IPv6 security models and dual-stack (IPv6/IPv4) implications.The objective is to describe possible security models enabled by IPv6 in different scenarios representative of business situations and explore their feasibility. The security models would assume both IPv6-only and dual-stack IPv6-IPv4 contexts, and compare them to IPv4 architectural designs. Recommendations will be formulated to stimulate developments of promising models. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents is 19 June 2009.Budget € 225 000 Deadline: 26 June 2009

Development of a Supercomputing strategy in Europe. Budget: € 300 000 Deadline: 24 June 2009

Implementation of a centralised access system to the European GNSS simulation and testing infrastructure.The objective of the project is to develop a platform which provides support to GNSS activities related to simulation and testing by establishing a centralised point of contact to a network of European GNSS laboratories and a first level communication channel with organisations providing the final services. Budget: € 500 000 Deadline 22 July 2009

Tender: support to GALILEO standardisation.The aim of this contract is to carry on the standardisation process for the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) and the European Global Navigation Satellite System (GALILEO) in key application areas.It is expected to cover specific aspects of aviation (SBAS L5) and location-based service (LBS) communities (terrestrial trunked radio (TETRA), worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WIMAX), digital video broadcasting (DVB)). Successful tenderers should also help make some relevant progress in the rail, road and multimodal transport domains, supporting the appropriate standardisation bodies and presenting relevant technical contributions to European global navigation satellite system (GNSS) performance standards and standardisation of specific aspects in the operating chain for target communities. Deadline  22/07/2009

“Study on Enterprise 2.0” – SMART 2009/0021.The overall objective of this study is to, as clearly as possible, demonstrate the actual and potential gains for the Information Society in promoting the development and usage of enterprise 2.0. This means that some evidence of the present and the potential future economic impact of enterprise 2.0 should be demonstrated. Best practices on how to implement and use enterprise 2.0 should be provided, with special focus on how enterprise 2.0 can foster innovation and disruptive changes. Furthermore, challenges for a wider deployment of enterprise 2.0, such as limited access to high speed broadband, should be described and followed up by relevant policy recommendations.Deadline 11 August 2009

6 – 9 July2009 Erice, Italy.International school of scientific journalism and communication. Based on lectures, working sessions and other activities, the school is held on a given theme and other topics by international experts in the fields of science, journalism and communication. The central theme in 2009 is energy.Primarily aimed at young journalists, the course is also suitable for others interested in communicating science to the public, such as young researchers. The goal is to introduce the main challenges of the field to a new generation of science communicators and scientists, encouraging them to develop new tools and strategies.

13.06.2009 Alexandria, Egypt Conference on environmental issues in the Mediterranean.


UIBM-Università di Bologna. Banca dati Patiris. Patiris è un repository on-line che mira a stabilire un osservatorio permanente sulla brevettazione delle Università e dei Centri di Ricerca pubblici in Italia.


Dati gratuiti da GEOforUS – grafo di Arezzo. Nelle tante novità di GEOforUS troverete nella sezione “download” – “dati geografici”, oltre i grafi urbani di Matera, Perugina, Lodi, Urbino, Taranto e Isernia, il grafo di Arezzo. Possono essere usati liberamente e contengono anche la toponomastica.


Millennium Technology Prize.Il Millennium Technology Prize è stato creato per ispirare e riconoscere le innovazioni che forniscono una risposta alle sfide del nostro tempo e che promuovono la qualità della vita.Con un premio di 1 milione di euro, il Millennium Technology Prize si presenta come uno dei premi individuali per l’innovazione tecnologica più prestigiosi al mondo.Deadline 01-10-2009

Spinner: pubblicato il bando “Donne, Tecnologia e Innovazione”.Il Consorzio SPINNER di Bologna in qualità di Organismo Intermediario per la gestione della Sovvenzione Globale “Interventi per la qualificazione delle risorse umane nel settore della ricerca e dell’innovazione tecnologica Asse IV Capitale Umano” del Programma Operativo della Regione Emilia-Romagna FSE obiettivo 2 “Competitività ed Occupazione” 2007-2013 Deadline 10-07-2009