Digital Games for Empowerment & Inclusion: exploratory study.
The European Commission’s Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) is conducting an exploratory study to better understand: what are the industrial, market, social opportunities and limitations of Digital Games for users’ empowerment and as a tool for socio-economic inclusion of people at risk of exclusion (such as youth at risk, migrants, elderly, unemployed, low-educated); what are the technological, market, implementation, adoption andpolicy challenges of creating this potential and if and how policy actions could address the challenges identified.

Draft ICT PSP Work Programme and Call for Proposals 2012 now online. The draft ICT PSP Work Programme 2012 has been approved by the CIP ICT Committee. The work programme is still subject to the formal approval by the Commission (expected in January 2012). The 6th Call for Proposals would be opened from 1 February to 15 May 2012 (pending to the formal approval of the Work programme 2012 by the Commission). An information day on the 6th Call for Proposals is planned for 3 February 2012 in Brussels. Confirmation of the date, the exact venue and the draft agenda will be published during the week of 9 January 2012. On line registration will be open from that page during the same week.

Breaking down barriers to secure and innovative card, internet and mobile payments. Carrying a virtual train ticket or repaying a friend with your mobile phone, buying your groceries online, paying with your debit card abroad – the way European citizens shop and pay is radically changing. A secure and transparent integrated payments environment throughout the EU could create more efficient, modern and safer means of payments – for the benefits of consumers, merchants and payment providers. Based on the Green Paper consultation adopted today, the Commission seeks the views of stakeholders as to which obstacles hinder further market integration and how these could be resolved. The deadline for submitting contributions to the consultation is 11 April 2012

Stimulating growth and employment: an action plan for doubling the volume of e-commerce in Europe by 2015. The development of electronic commerce and online services offers enormous potential for beneficial economic, social and societal change. The Internet economy creates 2.6 jobs for every “off-line” job lost, and offers a better choice to consumers, including those in rural and isolated areas. The gains brought by lower online prices and a wider choice of available products and services are estimated at EUR 11.7 billion, equivalent to 0.12 % of European GDP. If 15 % of retail sales were e-commerce and the obstacles to the internal market were removed, the gains for consumers might be as much as EUR 204 billion, or 1.7 % of European GDP.

23 – 24 January 2012, Brussels, Belgium LAPSI 2nd Public Conference and 3rd LAPSI Award.
This event will give the opportunity to present and discuss with experts and interested parties the LAPSI (European Thematic Network on Legal Aspects of Public Sector Information) policy recommendations on various aspects of Open Data and re-use of public sector information. During the second day of the Conference the winner of the 3rd LAPSI Award on the most user-friendly design of an open data portal in the EU will be announced. Registration is free, but mandatory in order to attend the meeting and the lunch served at the University Foundation.

Towards tailor made tourism through smart use of ICT to support SMEs. The European Commission launched today a tourism initiative to facilitate SME’s interconnection to major electronic distribution networks. Tourism demand is expected to further shift from mass tourism to more tailor-made customised tourism for the individual traveller, which is a market segment particularly relevant for the EU SMEs. The initiative will help small European tourism operators to take advantage of this demand to grow their businesses. The initiative will ease connectivity and encourage collaboration between small hospitality, tourism and leisure service providers and larger travel agents, tour operators and distributors.

18 – 20 April 2012, Luxembourg 2nd Global eHealth Strategies Symposium. This symposium aims to provide an intercultural and multidisciplinary framework in order to promote a policy dialogue on how eHealth can address health issues and challenges in developing countries. It will do so by bringing together care providers, government representatives, funding agencies, industry leaders from the North and the South in an open and collaborative spirit.

17 February 2012, Brussels Workshop for CIP ICT PSP Call 6: ICT For Health, Ageing Well And Inclusion. The 6th call of the ICT Policy Support Programme as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation framework Programme (CIP), will open shortly (1 February), with as closing date (tbc) of 15 May 2012. Within the work programme Theme 3 will cover topics related to most of the priority actions identified as part of the Strategic Implementation Plan of the Pilot European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. A specific information day on Theme 3 will be organised in Brussels on 17 February. Further information on how to register and actively participate will follow shortly.

17 February 2012, Borschette Conference Centre, Brussels, BE CIP Workshop: Funding opportunities in ICT for Health, Ageing Well & Inclusion. In the frame of the Competitiveness & Innovation Programme ICT Policy Support Programme (CIP ICT PSP) and as a follow-up to the CIP Info Day (3 February 2012), the European Commission is organising a one-day information and networking workshop dedicated to Theme 3 of the CIP ICT PSP (ICT for Health, Ageing Well and Inclusion). The workshop provides an opportunity for prospective programme applicants to put their questions directly to the European Commission, present their ideas to stakeholders, meet potential partners and learn more about the state of the art and the broader policy context.

28 May 2012, Prague, Czech Republic Bridging research in ageing and ICT development: Final conference. The final BRAID Conference will present results achieved by the project, encompassing the roadmap and implementation activities. The one-day meeting seeks to discuss socio-economic aspects in ICT and ageing that influence and shape recreational activities across different life settings and mechanisms that empower older people to live independently and fulfilled. The conference will provide space for stakeholders to exchange and discuss the results from practical experiences including best practice projects and failed approaches in the field of ICT and ageing. The final BRAID Conference will take place alongside the IFA 2012 Conference.

11 January 2012, Brussels Info session on Call for projects 2012 to support the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. One of the objectives of the second Health Programme of the European Commission is to promote European Citizen’s Health, with a particular focus on increasing healthy life years and promoting healthy ageing. DG SANCO along with the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC) has launched a call for proposals for projects to meet this particular objective. In order to clarify potential issues regarding the administrative procedure and the technical contents of the call, DG SANCO and EAHC welcome all potential candidates to an info-session open to all.

17 February 2012, Borschette Conference Centre, Brussels, BE CIP Workshop: Funding opportunities in ICT for Health, Ageing Well & Inclusion. In the frame of the Competitiveness & Innovation Programme ICT Policy Support Programme (CIP ICT PSP) and as a follow-up to the CIP Info Day (3 February 2012), the European Commission is organising a one-day information and networking workshop dedicated to Theme 3 of the CIP ICT PSP (ICT for Health, Ageing Well and Inclusion). The workshop provides an opportunity for prospective programme applicants to put their questions directly to the European Commission, present their ideas to stakeholders, meet potential partners and learn more about the state of the art and the broader policy context.

Call for proposals — EACEA/42/11 — Erasmus Mundus 2009-2013 action programme — Implementation in 2012 (2011/C 381/03).
The Erasmus Mundus programme’s overall aim is to promote European higher education, to help improve and enhance the career prospects of students and to promote intercultural understanding through cooperation with third countries, in accordance with EU external policy objectives in order to contribute to the sustainable development of third countries in the field of higher education. This call for proposals consists of three distinct Action:
Action 1 — Joint programmes
Action 2 — Partnerships
Action 3 — Promotion of European higher education
Deadline 30 April 2012

Call for proposals under the 2012 work programmes of the Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2012/C 10/08) FP7-JPROG-2012-RTD Joint Programming Coordination 2012 Budget: € 8 000 000 Deadline:  20 March 2012

Call for proposals under the work programme of the Seventh EC Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities (2012/C 15/07) ICT Call 9 FP7-ICT-2011-9. Budget: € 291 000 000 Deadline:  17 April 2012

Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative lunched 11th call for proposals covering 69 topics – Call Clean Sky JTI 2012-01 SP1-JTI-CS-2012-01 Budget: € 36 558 750 Deadline:  03 April 2012

Call for proposals under the work programme ‘People’ of the Seventh EC Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities (2012/C 15/06) FP7-PEOPLE-2012-EURAXESS-IU Trans-national Collaboration among EURAXESS members on topics related to the Innovation Union. Budget: € 1 000 000 Deadline:  18 April 2012

OPEN CALL European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) (2012/C 15/05) Proposals should include researchers from a minimum of five COST countries. Financial support for an action of 19 participating countries is in the range of EUR 130 000 p.a. for normally four years, subject to available budget. Deadline 30 March 2012.

Call for proposals under the Euratom Framework Programme for Nuclear Research and Training Activities (2012-2013) (2012/C 14/05) FP7-Fission-2012 Budget: € 53 251 000 Deadline:  27 March 2012

Call for proposals under the Implementation Plan of Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking(2012/C 14/04). FCH-JU-2012-1 Part 1 Budget: € 77 500 000 Deadline:  24 May 2012

Calls for proposals under the annual work programme 2011 for grants in the field of the Trans- European Transport Network (TEN-T) for the period 2007-2013 (Commission Decision C(2011) 1772 as amended by Commission Decision C(2011) 9531) (2012/C 7/04) Budget EUR 200 million Deadline 13 April 2012.


21 to 24 March 2012 Dresden, Germany ‘Synergy workshop 2012’.
Modern business applications make use of an array of advanced technologies and computer programming. Developing and maintaining applications, though, is challenging as not all parts of an application may necessarily function harmoniously together. As a consequence, modern applications have to be developed with their own technology stack, or they may not provide the desired functionality and operational characteristics.

28 May 2012 in Prague, Czech Republic.’Bridging research in ageing and ICT development final conference’. The EU-funded ‘Bridging research in ageing and ICT development’ (BRAID) project is consolidating existing roadmaps for active ageing while launching a stakeholder co-ordination and consultation mechanism. The project has characterised key research challenges and produced a vision for a comprehensive approach in supporting the well-being and socio-economic integration of increasing numbers of senior citizens in Europe.

2 to 5 September 2012 in Milan, Italy. 18th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia. As the information society has matured, virtual systems and multimedia are increasingly sophisticated and reaching more users. Three-dimensional (3D) technology, for example, now ranges from stereoscopic television to devices for videogames, gesture controls for tablet computers and augmented reality on smartphones. This uptake is being aided by progressive increases in broadband digital infrastructure.


Progetto Aerospazio 2012. Sviluppo Lazio e Unioncamere Lazio stanno organizzando l’accoglienza di una delegazione internazionale di buyer interessati ad acquisire produzioni e tecnologie per il settore Aerospazio e Difesa, che sarà calendarizzata approssimativamente nell’autunno 2012, in un periodo compatibile con gli appuntamenti fieristici del settore.
Il progetto, realizzato nell’ambito delle attività regionali a sostegno dell’internazionalizzazione delle PMI del Lazio, si inserisce in una iniziativa più complessa che ha visto la partecipazione in collettiva di un gruppo di imprese del settore all’lnternational Paris Air Show, coordinata da Unioncamere Lazio, che si è svolto lo scorso giugno in Francia.

POR FESR, graduatorie del bando “Innovazione”. Con la determinazione n. B9890 del 27 dicembre 2011 sono state approvate le graduatorie dell’Avviso pubblico per la presentazione di richieste di contributo relative al Settore e alla Filiera produttiva regionale dell’Innovazione. Il provvedimento è pubblicato sul Bollettino ufficiale della Regione Lazio n. 1 del 7 gennaio 2012 (parte terza).

Regione, accordo con Cassa depositi e prestiti. Il 20 dicembre 2011 la presidente della Regione Lazio Renata Polverini e il presidente della Cassa depositi e prestiti Franco Bassanini hanno firmato un Protocollo d’intesa finalizzato alla valorizzazione del patrimonio immobiliare regionale. La Regione Lazio intende procedere al censimento, alla razionalizzazione e ad una più efficiente gestione del proprio patrimonio immobiliare al fine di valutare, sulla base di una puntuale ricognizione, le diverse modalità di valorizzazione del patrimonio consentite dalla normativa del settore.

Europa in Comune, bando di selezione. Sviluppo Lazio intende affidare tramite selezione il servizio di consulenza specialistica, assistenza tecnica, formazione per la realizzazione del progetto “L’Europa in comune”.
L’importo complessivo posto a base di gara è pari ad Euro 1.500.000,00 (unmilionecinquecentomila/00), oltre IVA. L’appalto avrà durata di mesi 36 (trentasei) decorrenti dalla data di stipula del contratto. E’ previsto eventuale rinnovo di 12 mesi. La gara verrà aggiudicata secondo il criterio dell’offerta economicamente più vantaggiosa, ai sensi dell’art. 83 del D.Lgs. 163/2006, sulla base dei criteri di aggiudicazione specificati nel Disciplinare di gara. Deadline 3 febbraio 2012.


MIUR: Bando PRIN 2010-2011 per il finanziamento di Progetti di Ricerca di interesse nazionale.
Con decreto del 27 dicembre il Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca ha approvato il nuovo bando per la selezione di Progetti di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale – PRIN (anno 2010-2011), proposti dalle Università nelle 14 aree disciplinari di cui al D.M. n. 175/2000. Il nuovo bando PRIN intende, da un lato, promuovere e sviluppare azioni di sistema, favorendo non solo le interazioni tra i diversi soggetti del sistema nazionale di ricerca pubblico, ma anche tra tali soggetti e gli altri organismi di ricerca pubblici e privati, e dall’altro riconoscere priorità, in termini di premialità valutativa, proprio ai progetti che prevedano collaborazioni internazionali (fermo restando il divieto dell’utilizzo di fondi PRIN per la corresponsione di compensi a studiosi o ad organismi di ricerca stranieri) e che si riconducano agli obiettivi di Horizon 2020.

Decreto Direttoriale 12 gennaio 2012 n. 3/ric – Nuovo bando “futuro in ricerca”. “Il presente decreto è stato trasmesso agli organi di controllo, per il previsto esame preventivo; gli effetti del decreto sono pertanto subordinati alla positiva verifica e al successivo riscontro di tali organi.” Articolo 1 – Programma “Futuro in ricerca 2012”. 1. Attraverso il Programma “Futuro in Ricerca 2012” questo Ministero intende proseguire nell’opera volta a favorire sia il ricambio generazionale sia il sostegno alle eccellenze scientifiche emergenti e già presenti presso gli atenei e gli enti pubblici di ricerca afferenti al MIUR, al fine di rafforzare le basi scientifiche nazionali, anche in vista di una più efficace partecipazione alle iniziative europee relative ai Programmi Quadro dell’Unione Europea, destinando a tale scopo adeguate risorse al finanziamento di progetti di ricerca fondamentale proposti da giovani ricercatori. 2. Il programma si concretizza nella presentazione, da parte dei soggetti di cui alle sotto indicate “Linee d’intervento”, in qualità di Coordinatori di progetto (Principal Investigator) e secondo le modalità e nei termini successivamente indicati, di progetti di ricerca fondamentale di durata almeno triennale.

Elenco delle modifiche e integrazioni del bando “FUTURO IN RICERCA”. Elenco delle modifiche apportate al D.D. 1153/2011 con il D.D. 3/2012.

Elenco delle modifiche e integrazioni del bando PRIN. Elenco delle modifiche apportate al D.M. 1152/2011 con il  D.M. 2/2012

AREA Ricerca Canali Home- PON R&C: aggiornamento graduatoria Ricerca Industriale (D.D.1/Ric.). “Si comunica che con la firma del Decreto Direttoriale prot. n. 1062/Ric. del 29 novembre 2011, è stata aggiornata la graduatoria delle domande ammesse e idonee al finanziamento approvata con Decreto Direttoriale Prot. n. 293/Ric del 31 Maggio 2011.”


Aperto Bando Eurogia+.
EUROGIA+, il cluster che si occupa di promuovere partnership internazionali sui progetti di ricerca dedicati alle tecnologie energetiche a basso consumo di carbonio, ha pubblicato un nuovo bando (CALL 08), che si chiude il 10 febbraio 2012.

Prevenzione: dall’INAIL incentivi alle imprese per 205 milioni. Al via la seconda tranche di contributi erogati dall’INAIL a favore di tutte le imprese italiane interessate alla realizzazione di interventi in materia di prevenzione. E’ stato pubblicato, in Gazzetta ufficiale, il bando del regolamento per l’assegnazione dei finanziamenti mediante procedura valutativa a sportello (ai sensi del decreto legislativo n.123/98 e delle successive modifiche e integrazioni). Se nel 2010 l’Istituto aveva destinato 60 milioni di euro, per il 2011 sono a disposizione complessivamente 205 milioni di euro, ripartiti in budget regionali (la ripartizione delle risorse tiene conto del numero degli addetti e della gravità degli infortuni sul territorio). Nel complesso l’intervento, nel quadriennio 2011/2014, vedrà l’INAIL mettere a disposizione la cifra complessiva di circa 850 milioni. Deadline 07.03.12