
Supply for the Improvement of the Customs IT System. Reference: EuropeAid/128843/C/SER/MK – Status Forecast Geographical Zone Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic of) Budget  300,000 EUR

Ministero Sviluppo Economico

MSE: disponibile il sito della Direzione Generale per l’Incentivazione delle Attività Imprenditoriali. Il sito fornisce informazioni sul quadro normativo di riferimento per il sistema degli incentivi, sia comunitario che nazionale, dedica specifiche sezioni ai singoli strumenti d’incentivazione gestiti dalla Direzione, permette alle imprese di accedere ai servizi telematici per la presentazione delle domande ed ai soggetti abilitati di consultare la banca dati anagrafica degli incentivi.

MSE: pubblicata la Relazione 2009 sul sistema degli incentivi.Dalla Relazione, che contiene un’analisi complessiva degli interventi agevolativi a favore del sistema produttivo, emerge con evidenza che il sostegno finanziario pubblico alle imprese nel 2008 è stato piuttosto consistente dal punto di vista finanziario, per la quantità di risorse assegnate.

Ministero Affari Esteri

La Commissione Europea invita a presentare candidature per Esperti Nazionali Distaccati (END) – Scadenza 24 agosto 2009


8 ottobre 2009 Palermo, Italian launch of the 2010 Work Programme of the Environment theme.La giornata informativa per il lancio del Piano di Lavoro 2010 del bando del Tema 6 “Enviroment (incl. climate change)” del VII Programma Quadro di RTD, ha l’obiettivo di promuovere la partecipazione italiana ai bandi europei.

Sviluppo Lazio

Por Fesr, fondi per la ristrutturazione delle stazioni.Partiranno entro dicembre i primi cantieri per i lavori di restyling di 75 stazioni dislocate su tutto il territorio regionale. Nel progetto sono inclusi gli scali di Civitavecchia, Tivoli, Guidonia, Viterbo Porta Fiorentina e gli scali di numerosi comuni dei Castelli romani.L’obiettivo è migliorare la vivibilità delle stazioni ampliando la gamma dei servizi offerti al pubblico e innalzare il livello di sicurezza per i passeggeri in attesa, in particolar modo tramite sistemi di sorveglianza passiva.Gli interventi prevedono innanzitutto l’istallazione di sistemi di protezione e sicurezza, come colonnine Sos e videosorveglianza, illuminazione e sistemazione delle aree interne ed esterne.Inoltre, la vivibilità delle stazioni durante tutto l’arco della giornata sarà garantita dall’apertura di nuovi servizi al pubblico: bar, asili e esercizi commerciali. Sono state individuate le aree per nuove attività commerciali e servizi pubblici aperti anche fino a tarda sera. E’ prevista anche l’integrazione di sistemi informativi e interattivi, con la possibilità di beneficiare di postazioni wi-fi.

Sviluppo Lazio ricerca personale qualificato.Nella sezione REPCO di questo sito sono pubblicati due annunci, attraverso i quali Sviluppo Lazio ricerca personale qualificato per l’eventuale affidamento di incarichi di collaborazione professionale. Il primo annuncio riguarda la collaborazione relativa ad attività di analisi, gestione, valutazione e rendicontazione dei progetti di investimento presentati da soggetti pubblici a valere sull’Attività II.1 “Promozione dell’efficienza energetica e della produzione di energie rinnovabili” del POR FESR Lazio 2007-2013. Il secondo annuncio riguarda la collaborazione per la redazione dei Piani di valorizzazione dei Grandi attrattori culturali, l’analisi e la valutazione dei progetti di investimento presentati a valere sull’Attività II.5 “Interventi per la valorizzazione e la promozione dei Grandi attrattori culturali” del POR FESR Lazio 2007-2013.


European Inventor Award 2010. Anche per il 2010 la Commissione europea e l’Ufficio Europeo dei Brevetti hanno istituito il Premio all’inventore europeo. Le categorie per le quali si può concorrere sono quattro:

  • industria,
  • PMI/ricerca,
  • Paesi extra UE
  • Lifetime achievement

E’ condizione necessaria per potere partecipare alla competizione essere in possesso di un brevetto europeo.

I costi del non-investimento in It.Per ogni euro non investito in It a valore se ne perdono 20 in efficienza e mancate opportunità di business.Il Direttore generale di Team System, Federico Leproux, analizza con noi tre tematiche che possono interessare le imprese italiane, relativamente alla ripresa.


The GMES Emergency Response service has been triggered due to the forest fire around Marseille, France. In order to obtain a rapid mapping of the situation and to better fight against the forest fire near Marseille (France), French Civil Protection Authorities (DDSC – Direction de la Défense et de la Sécurité Civile) triggered the GMES emergency response service on 23 July 2009 (18:00 CET).This service is being developped by SAFER, a project partly funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme.


Bando sui Servizi di cartografia in Puglia. Budget 810 000 EUR.Deadline 15.09.2009 file:///C:/DOCUME~1/Concetta/IMPOST~1/Temp/T4349580.html


State aid: Commission authorises €82 million of innovative film tax incentives; opens investigation into Italian digital cinema support. The European Commission has approved under EC Treaty state aid rules Italy’s innovative €82 million package of film tax incentives until 31 December 2010. The incentives aim to stimulate investment from outside the film production sector into European cultural films and to support the distribution of such films. The Commission found that the incentives are compatible with the cultural derogation of the EC Treaty. The Commission has also opened a formal investigation into a proposed 30% tax credit for installing digital projection equipment in Italian cinemas because it has concerns that the measure may mainly benefit large multiplexes which should need less support.

The European Commission welcomes the review of European Research Council structures and mechanisms.EU Commissioner Janez Poto ?nik today received the report on the review of the European Research Council’s (ERC) structures and mechanisms from the review panel’s chair Professor Vaira Vike-Freiberga. This report represents a thorough scrutiny of the ERC structures, conducted by a high-level independent panel of experts. The Commission will respond to the report’s recommendations and present its proposals on the future of the ERC by October 2009. The report emphasises the considerable achievements of the ERC and its critical role in the European Research Area, and highlights the need to take measures to ensure the sustainability of its initial success.

EU-African Union Scientific Partnership: €63 million to support research for Africa.Today, the European Commission launched a call for proposals entirely dedicated to research for Africa. Africa continues to face serious challenges to sustain its development and research can develop solutions. This special initiative for Africa will address some of the science and technology objectives included in the EU-Africa Strategic Partnership agreed on by the European Commission and the African Union Commission in December 2007. Up to €63 million will be allocated to research projects in 2010 aiming to improve health conditions, and water and food security in Africa. Supported research activities will involve African partners, with the aim to strengthen Africa’s research base.

CALL FOR PROPOSALS — EACEA/15/2009 ‘Active citizens for Europe’ innovative actions Europe for Citizens Programme — Action 1, Measure 1.6 (2009/C 176/05) Budget EUR 1 100 000.Deadline 30 September 2009

ESPON 2013 programme — New open calls (2009/C 178/14). Pre-Announcement on New Calls. Calls for Proposals and Expression of Interests will be launched on 16 September 2009. The available budget is 14.910.000 Euro covering up to 31 new ESPON projects. Participation of private partners is now possible. The deadline for applying is 11 November 2009

Call for proposals EAC/28/2009 : Transnational network and supporting web-based platform in the area of mobility for apprenticesTh.e objective of this activity is to encourage, facilitate and inform about the mobility of apprentices and persons in alternate vocational training schemes by creating a sustainable network of operators and competent bodies supported by a web-based platform.Discussion and work during recent years have shown that there is a need to strengthen partnerships in the area of qualitative support for stakeholders, especially in the skilled trades and SME sectors. The platform would be a tool intended first and foremost for intermediary organisations such as professional organisations, undertakings and public services but it could also be used for individuals as a first information point on possibilities for mobility. Deadline : 30 September 2009

Call for proposals on the integration of Roma communities.The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional Policy is launching a call for proposals as part of the European Parliament’s Pilot Project on “Pan-European Coordination of Integration Methods for the Roma”. It deals with initiatives in the following areas: early childhood education and care, self-employment and microcredit, information and awareness raising. Budget €4.5 million. Deadline 25 September 2009

B-Bruxelles: Studio finalizzato all’analisi e allo sviluppo concettuale di un sistema europeo di accesso ai porti 2009/S 143-208717. Sviluppo di un prototipo relativo ad un sistema d’accesso con carta ai porti a livello nazionale; dovrà esserci la possibilità di uno sviluppo finalizzato a coprire regioni transfrontaliere.Deadline 25.09.09

Study to explore the potential of ICT Components and Systems Manufacturing in Europe.The study is expected to investigate the potential of ICT components and systems manufacturing in Europe and thus to contribute to the Community’s decision process regarding the future orientation and structuring of European ICT components and systems research in the last stages of FP7 and in FP8 by providing guidance for future R&D investments in high-tech manufacturing technologies, the identification of associated skills and existing manufacturing infrastructures vis-à-vis new and emerging market prospects as well as an assessment of potential socio-economic impacts and environmental risks. Budget 140 000 EUR Deadline: 14 September 2009;jsessionid=CAD459E6BB173F7F037E1148DDA71E29.instance_1?DataFlow=N_one_doc_access.dfl&Template=TED/N_one_result_detail_curr.htm&docnumber=193370-2009&docId=193370-2009&StatLang=EN

Bruxelles: Fornitura di dati elettronici connessi con gli orari di volo in tutto il mondo 2009/S 142-207110 L’appalto dovrà prestare servizi di dati connessi con l’industria del trasporto aereo e riguardanti la messa a disposizione di informazioni relative agli orari di volo in tutto il mondo per gli anni 2009–2010.Budget 90 000 EUR. Deadline 03.09.2009

B-Bruxelles: Tender: use of satellites in the integration of unmanned aircraft systems and European airspace. In past years, various institutional stakeholders have started to address the challenges of integrating UAS in non-segregated airspace. Before embarking on a full-fledged demonstration project, the feasibility study will need to provide insights into major technical challenges and requirements, as well as the viability of sustainable UAS services, supported by space systems. Budget 400 000 EUR.Deadline 23.09.2009

8 October 2009, Brussels, Belgium. Workshop “More women, better jobs and boosting growth” This gender workshop aims to take stock of the progress made and present new initiatives and actions. Brainstorming sessions are also organised to work on a new agenda for Women in ICT. Commissioner Reding will launch the Directory of Women in ICT, an interactive platform bringing together relevant initiatives and information. The Commissioner will also present the new signatories of The Code of Best Practices for women in ICT.

14 – 18 September 2009, Guildford (UK). ESSA 2009 – The 6th Conference of the European Social Simulation Association.The 6th European Social Simulation Association Conference will, like its predecessors, attract the best papers from across the world, describing the newest and most significant social simulation work. The papers will cover a wide range of social subjects: human, animal and artificial, and apply a wide range of simulation techniques. The methodology and, indeed, the very nature of the enterprise will be discussed and debated.

15 – 16 September 2009, Bath (UK).The Future of Complexity. This meeting will examine the present condition and future development of Complexity Science, and the tools that are available to study complex systems. Invited international leaders will reflect on the progress that has been made, identify the key insights that have guided research so far, and set out the challenges that remain.

23 – 25 September 2009, Lancaster (UK).European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop: Can Complexity Improve European Health Policy?Despite increased resources and multiple reorganisations national health systems in Europe still seem to be in a state of crisis. Many of the interwoven problems of European health and health systems are based on the fundamental limitations of the dominant biomedical/bio-psychosocial models. In this workshop we will will explore a new scientific framework, Complexity, that offers a novel way for understanding and improving health at individual, group and societal levels.Attendance at this event is by invitation only.


Commission launches 53 FP7 calls for proposals – Call for proposals under the 2009 and 2010 work programmes of the 7th EC Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities. Notice is hereby given of the launch of calls for proposals under the 2009 and 2010 Cooperation, Ideas, and Capacities work programmes of the 7th Framework Programme of the European Community for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities.

19.10.2009 Yerevan, Armenia Information and brokerage event on FP7 ‘Environment’ Theme.The objective of the event is to bring together researchers and other stakeholders from the EU and Eastern European and Central Asian (EECA) countries and provide ground for discussion and networking within the scope of the ‘Environment’ Theme. The event will include a presentation on the areas addressed by the 2009 call, presentations of proposal ideas and a session of pre-arranged bilateral meetings to discuss potential partnerships.

29.09.2009 Vienna, Austria  Ambient assisted living conference, Under the title ‘Innovative ICT (information and communication technology) solutions for older persons – a new understanding’, the event will kick-off a series of conferences which will serve as an information and discussion platform for stakeholders, scientists and users in Europe.

24/25.09.2009 New Delhi, India.Meeting on security, data protection and privacy, New Delhi, India.Organised by the Data Security Council of India (DSCI), the meeting will focus on commonalities and differences between the European Union and India regarding these vital policy issues. The overall goal is to promote and foster debate between India and Europe on security, data protection and privacy.

New device makes invisibility a reality.One of the first things that come to mind when thinking about Harry Potter and his cloak is … invisibility. Researchers in Spain have developed a device that makes objects invisible under a certain kind of light. Called ‘dc metamaterial’, the device brings the inside of the magnetic field down to zero but does not change the exterior field. The results of the study are published in the journal Applied Physics Letters.


Al via il SIT della Provincia di Trapani.La Provincia Regionale di Trapani metterà a disposizione a favore degli Uffici Tecnici dei Comuni, per la gestione informatizzata dei loro dati cartografici e territoriali, il proprio Sistema Informativo Territoriale.Si tratta di una piattaforma informatica che mette in relazione alla loro localizzazione geografica i dati amministrativi, tecnici, economici, scientifici e statistici, riguardanti i settori ritenuti strategici e strettamente legati alle caratteristiche del territorio della Provincia (Viabilità, Ambiente, Beni Culturali, Impianti ed attrezzature, Portualità, Agricoltura, Cave, Turismo, Protezione Civile).

Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali – Direzione Regionale Calabria. Sviluppo ed implementazione del Sistema Informativo “Centri Storici e Ambito di Contesto”.Importo € 570.000 iva esclusa. Scadenza 31 agosto 2009


Selezione pubblica per “Assegni di Ricerca” indetta dal CNR con scadenza agosto 2009

21 settembre 2009 Roma.Giornata Nazionale di lancio dei bandi 2010 di Infrastrutture di Ricerca –